Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The OR Channel: TV dinners are never gonna look quite the same

When I was 3 or 4 year old, I ran into my grandfather's collection of 35mm projection slides of surgical procedures that he used to teach his students in medical school. I remember that the images were fascinating (at least for me) and left an indelible mark on my view of the human body: Try to understand a 3 year old who goes "eyes, nose, ears, hands, feet, liver, pancreas, vein." Fast forward a long time and instead of becoming a vascular surgeon like Pepe, I grew up to design devices that he could have used. Problem is that I am out of 35 mm projection slide discovery I ran into this today:

OR Live is a website offerings video streams of 600 different surgical procedures.
Each procedure comes from different institutions so you can get a good sense of how each procedures varies by physician and hospital.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for your information about this live broadcast for watching the operation which I shouldn't have any change to see. I am not in the medical profession but I am a patient contracted with polio. I am interested in new technology and hope one day I am able to walk freely with the new technolog.